MOON Kyungwon and JEON Joonho: News from Nowhere
Since leading contemporary Korean artist unit Moon Kyungwon and Jeon Joonho was formed in 2009, they have developed their project “News from Nowhere”(the title of which was inspired by William Morris’ novel), which asks the question, “what are the social functions and roles of art in the contemporary world?” At the same time, they have also been advocating for practical platforms for collaboration through dialogue and the exchange of ideas with professionals in various fields. Based on this approach, Moon and Jeon identify various issues in contemporary society, extracting the issues facing contemporary society and posing messages for us who live in the present to ponder through their works. Today, we are forced to recognize that the calamities that have afflicted mankind since ancient times, such as epidemics and wars, continue to exist as powerful threats. In this unsettled time, their works enable the audience to appreciate how Moon and Jeon, as artists living in the present, perceive a world fraught with threats, distortions, contradictions, and oppression, and what kind of change they are aiming for. Each of the works exhibited in the architectural space of the museum stands alone while being somehow interconnected, creating a multilayered world of artworks. We hope you will enjoy their first large-scale solo exhibition in Japan.
- Artist
- MOON Kyungwon & JEON Joonho
photo by : Keizo Kioku
- Thumbnail
- "News from Nowhere: Eclipse"(2022)