
Takuma Imao

Imao began creating and presenting his “work with” pieces, which interpose building infrastructure so as to temporarily reinterpret the space, from 2015.
Since then, he has created and presented exhibitions and live performances which physically capture the environment within ecosystems formed by groups and cities.
In recent years, he has also been involved in planning and directing, creating multi-layered spaces in which performers, audiences, and architecture mutually influence each other.

1992 Born in Kyoto
2015 Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at Kyoto City University of Arts, majoring in sculpture
2019 “Takuma Imao Solo Exhibition: work with #6 (Air Conditioning Equipment, Kanazawa Citizen’s Art Center Art Studio)”, Kanazawa Citizen’s Art Center (Ishikawa)
2019 “work with #7 (Air Conditioning Equipment, Atelier Momosada), Atelier Momosada, Akita University of Art
2020 “Takuma Imao Solo Exhibition: work with #9 (Air Conditioning Equipment, CLUB METRO)”, CLUB METRO (Kyoto)
2021 “SUZU 2020+ OKU-NOTO TRIENNALE”, Suzu, Ishikawa

Website :
Official Website