
Tomoko Sugiyama

Tomoko Sugiyama was born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1958 and studied at Kyoto City University of Arts. In 1981, she held her first solo exhibition at Gallery Iteza (Kyoto). Since then, she has presented her work in numerous solo and group exhibitions, including “Art Now ’84”. Her large-scale installations, utilizing cardboard and Styrofoam, and expressing her own experiences and imagined landscapes through vivid colors, attracted much attention. She also exhibited in 1985 (special display) and 1990 (Kansai Contemporary Art of the 1980s). From the late 1980s, she continued to create and release paintings themed around familiar everyday subjects as she returned to rectangular canvases. From 1994 until 2015, she was active as a central member of the Kobe-based “C.A.P (The Conference on Art and Art Projects)”. In 2007, she held a two-man exhibition, “Happy Conceptual” with Yukio Fujimoto at The Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama. In recent years, she has focused on releases in her own personal style, such as open ateliers; however, in 2022, she held a solo exhibition at Gallery Shimada in Kobe.