Pipilotti Rist
Pipilotti Rist was born 1962 in Grabs in Switzerland and has been a central figure within the international art scene since the mid-1980s. She has referred to the human eye as a “blood-driven camera,” and has received international acclaim as a pioneer in multimedia installations, which have expanded the potential of the video medium through a fusion of physical reality and technology. Rist’s video installations, consisting of comforting, sensorially stimulating music, and humorous snatches of images depicting a realm of vivid color, have charmed viewers of all ages throughout the world.
She has since presented an extraordinary body of large-scale projects in public spaces, including Open My Glade (Flatten) (2000) shown on a giant screen in Times Square, New York; Homo Sapiens Sapiens (2005), projected on the vault at the Church of San Stae when Rist represented Switzerland at the Venice Biennale; À la belle étoile (2007), a large-scale nighttime projection in the plaza in front of the Centre Pompidou, Paris; and Pour Your Body Out (7354 Cubic Meters) (2008) at The Museum of Modern Art, New York. In 2009 she released her first feature-length film, Pepperminta. In the 2010s she had large-scale solo shows at major museums principally in Europe and North America, including Hayward Gallery, 2011, Kunsthaus Zürich, 2016, New Museum, New York, 2016, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, 2017, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2019 et al.
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- Pipilotti Rist video artist
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- © Gian Marco Castelberg Photography