

Masakazu Kobayashi: A Brief History

March 31, 1944: Born in Kita Ward, Kyoto
1963: Graduated Murasakino High School, Kyoto, and enrolled in the Department of Crafts at Kyoto City University of the Arts (majoring in lacquering)
1966: Graduated Kyoto City University of the Arts and obtained a position (in the Research Center Planning Department) at Kawashima Textile, where he engaged in fabric design
1972: “Blow in the Wind” exhibited at the ’73 Kawashima Tapestry Exhibition
1973: “Blow in the Wind” selected for the 6th International Biennial of Tapestry (Lausanne, Switzerland). (Later, Kobayashi also exhibited at the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 15th International Biennial of Tapestry)
1975: “WIND-4” selected for the 2nd International Triennial of Tapestry (Lodz, Poland), where it was awarded the Minister of Culture and Art Award (later, Kobayashi also exhibited at the 3rd and 4th Triennial of Tapestry). Invitations to exhibitions abroad henceforth began to increase. Kobayashi actively participated in exhibitions both domestically and abroad and retired from full-time employment at Kawashima Textile. Began working as a contract employee (up until 1979)
1976: Exhibited “B5” and “W3” at “Fiber Works – Europe and Japan” (The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto)
1979: Inaugurated as professor at Seian Women’s Junior College (up until 1983). Began taking on commission work around this time
1981: Established “Gallery Gallery” in Shijo Kawaramachi, Kyoto, along with Tetsuo Kusama and Shinichi Asai. Held solo exhibitions every year until 1989
1985: Established “The Shop/Gallery Gallery” in Kitashirakawa, Kyoto (up until 1987)
1987: “KITE-No. 2-87” selected for the 1st International Textile Competition ’87 in Kyoto, where it received an honorable mention
1990: Established private gallery, “ANDGALLERY” at his home in Keihoku Town
1993: Inaugurated as professor along with establishment of Okayama Prefectural University. Solo exhibition, “Recent Works 13: Masakazu Kobayashi”, held at National Museum of Art, Osaka
1994: “Sound-Collage 1-93” selected for the 4th International Textile Competitions ’94 in Kyoto, where it won an excellence award
1996: Participated in “Textile Magicians” exhibition (Paris). Film of the same name released
2000: Special exhibition, “Masakazu Kobayashi/Naomi Kobayashi: Sound from Cosmos”, held (The Modern Museum of Art, Gunma)
2002: “Masakazu Kobayashi featuring Naomi Kobayashi” exhibit held (Singapore)
18th August 2004: Passed away