Yasunori Kinukawa
Born in Kyoto Prefecture in 1978, artist and lithographer Kinukawa Yasunori graduated with an MFA from Kyoto Seika University in 2004, where he has been a part-time lecturer since 2009. He started the Pebble Lithograph series in 2018, using pieces of limestone he collects himself as lithographic plates after cutting and graining them. By depicting the landscapes of the places where he collects the stones and the flora and fauna that he finds there, the relationship between image and material repeats and expands in the artist’s mind. The two gazes of the landscape the stones would have seen and the landscape he encountered during his search for the stones overlap, and become fixed on the paper as a single image. Kinukawa also attempts to visualize the process of collecting limestone as video works. Recent major exhibitions include “Pebble Lithograph” (MATSUO MEGUMI +VOICE GALLERY pfs/w, Kyoto, 2022) and the Second International Biennial of Lithography (Stari grad / Belgrade, Serbia, 2021).
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- "my little stone_lily #2" 2021