
Kaneko Miya

 Contemporary Artist. Based in Kanagawa. Creates installations and workshops that strive to reinterpret how the city appears to us through different people’s memories. Major exhibitions in recent years include “ROUND TABLE 2020 Playground Equipment – Tickling the Playful Heart”(2021, KOCA/Tokyo), “Creative Railway – Art in the Minatomirai stations-“(2020, Motomachi-Chukagai Station/Kanagawa), “Koganecho Bazaar 2020”(2020, Koganecho Area Management Center/Kanagawa). Winner of the “ART IN THE OFFICE 2018” Prize and “Tokyo Midtown Award 2017” Grand Prix.

Website :
Kaneko Miya
photo :
"Obsorbatory of Undiscovered Asteroids" 2020 (Photo by Yasuyuki Kasagi)